I would like to


I would like to

Sometimes I would like to write your name on those stunning mountains of clouds we see when the sun is setting, I think your name would look incredibly attractive and appealing, then would have multicolored hues, and the  bright red, as it let the sun king on his journey inexorably approaching at dusk.

I think I could also write above the vast canvas of a giant sailboat, and it wind driven be unveiled in all oceans and seas of our world.

Very crazy also I would write your name on the mysterious and silvered face of the moon, I would it with large letters, so, from earth everyone could read it.

I reflect and see that I really need magic to do all this, but the magic really comes with the love…. ……………… and my imagination and my heart was filled with magic when meet you…I’ve seen all these fantasies made true sometimes in my clouded reason.

We live in a universe crowded with countless beings, beings known and unknown beings, but all and all forms of life are conjugate within this vast and tiny planet, we do not know more than our eyes can reach and distinguish, but we both, were able to meet us one day and suddenly our eyes converge in an environment of thousands of millions of people, in this world inexplicably bathed in thousands of colors.

Watch!  the sun and the earth continues to rotate, the trivial and careless people are walking on the streets and roads of the world, almost nobody is interested in the huge explosions that occur every moment in the vastness of the stars of our still mysterious universe, and of so many other amazing things and events that we are far even of perceiving.

Is that occur when you love someone, we find our own reason, our own world, we find a sun, our own sun, intangible but exhilarating, found our own universe ……… then it does not matter what happens around you, if the universe revolves or not…. Now we are the most important.

Sing a song at times it seems weird thing………….. putting some lyrics sung melody is so nice thing to heart, the songs are so ornate letters and words to cheer or sadden melodies , were made especially for the heart, to sing to the loved being……….. Then, to sing a song seems beautiful thing, a song can shudder all, a song can make you laugh, can make mourn and remember many things too, but mostly can make you love, love with all the strength that lets the heart.

You know I’ve sung for you, I’ve painted for you ……. yes, I have done so many things for you.

Excuse me, but that in such trivialities and details, just somehow have looked flatter, cheering, to please you …. I do not know, maybe I wanted to release something a little bit that strength, the feeling that my soul has created for you.

That’s love

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