Perhaps, I Never Told You


 I never told you

Your hair have the color of the Sun at sunset, it’s like yellow reddish, difficult to describe with property… Have you ever seen the clouds tone when the Sun is setting…?

 There’s a combination of colors as when we look at a flame, and the fire turns soft and delicate shelter for the body, by say, the fire of a comforting campfire on a somewhat cold night.

Colors can say many things to express themselves, they don’t need words. Their language is understood through our sight, as when we look at a flower or anything in nature, simply we grasp, and that fills us with emotions and inner feelings

We can remember colors and then imagine thousands of things to relate them.

 I would say that there are sad and cheerful colors.

Suddenly, you appeared in the pathway of my life, The day was beautiful, the day tone was nice, You wore a bright colors, translated in a lilac dress and a celestial necklace, it seems to me,….The Sun was hidden behind the blue clouds of that summer morning…… no matter, I thought, on earth also glow stars and there are suns walking on the land, illuminating it all, warming it all.

Every morning when you wake up, you have a routine, it’s that, you have your daily obligations specific to your condition of woman and mother, you receive the light of the day with your already awake eyes, dawn and you wining to sun to face the world.

There’s one  color in your eyes, many colors I would say, although accept all, I like only one; the color of your face when look fun and laid-back, the color of your bright and sweet smile, that sheltering internally and comforting when I’m overwhelmed by something of my daily life. The life’s colors are more beautiful when peace inside you exist. Sometimes you are spreading quite peace, quite tenderness and joy.

The color of your sadness haunts me, even if I am not seeing you.  your eyes shine with a tint of pain, when by something feels cold your heart, it’s seems to me that someone has stolen you the sun, in a sudden and abrupt action of malicious hands, then it invades me anguish, so, I want to run and bring down another one for give you the light that makes you lack, and the funny beautiful colors to brighten your soul when you are bereaved

So insistently I am seeking light, you’ve given account that I want to open doors, open Windows, turn on all lights and illuminate somehow more forcefully the place of your abode. One day I said, sometime ago, with my arrival, I also wanted illuminate your days, then I responded to myself with fanfare because the light came with you, yes, it’s saw life, heat, and of course we could see colors, the colors of all that humanly could be seen, and the bright colors of our new stage that we had begun. But the most important thing was that this light was translated into joy, enthusiasm and brilliance… joy for your heart, shine for your eyes, and new strength for your fighter soul… your romantic soul.

I don’t like half lights environments, at certain times I relate them to the sad things, I like clarity, clarity in everything and in the words, light is always related to energy, vitality, joy, enthusiasm and wisdom, actually light is life, remove from flowers the sun light  and these already not be more..

Remember, I want light for your eyes, light for your life… Wake up to share with me the fractions of time that the creator has given us, illuminates your soul, lights up your eyes, your heart and your existence. So that shines our home not only by the light from the Sun or artificial lights. I want the sun to shine chiefly for the joy of your soul, , by the peace of your consciousness, by the happiness of your heart, by the certainty know you are in a sweet home surrounded by peace, away from selfishness and problems, where our love flourish every day as roses and carnations filled with freshness and  fragrances.

I always want see the light in your eyes which are the reflection of your soul…I wish          shine our love although the Star King has not come out yet;

 I want just see smile you……

 And since I do not mind at all, whether the Sun has collapsed..!

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The Sax Man

That melody it was spread with the wind, filling with notes every colorful corner of that park, the man held in his hand a bright musical instrument, to my young age it was perceived in my imagination, as something that gave the appearance of a small steel snake that glittered like gold and silver.


Is a saxophone someone said, and that flared mouth out happy and sad melodies , passersby stopped to listen , and the musician collected coins in a hat that gave away generous public .

One street artist, he had sad eyes and almost never spoke, just played and played , he was a tall, burly guy, full of reddish hair , his strong hands, holding and moving his fingers on the instrument ,it seemed to play with , it seems also it was a petting session on glossy metal.

The Sax Man was a strange person, very strange but sweet looking and gentle appearance , saying he had come from a distant place, integrating a musical orchestra conducted presentations on tours of shows in various countries.

One sunny morning I stopped to listen to his tunes, this time it was a very sad music , the instrument seemed to mourn, to hear those ripped notes shook the soul , the blue eyes of that artist were full of tears , several people in the audience were crying, at the end of interpretation, everyone clapped very strong, then they deposited higher-value coins in the saxophonist hat.

Someone said that this man had come with the orchestra and he decided to stay due to feel attracted to a woman of the people; the man was not reciprocated and begun to seek solace and refuge in alcohol.

Usually he played the sax in bars and cantinas, when he was sober used to go to the park, where it was better rewarded by passersby.

The sax man had a story, a love story that lacerated his soul, a love story that changed his life completely … had wanted to reach for a star and make her, his entire universe, his reason for living, its air, its sun the light in her eyes.

And now with a dagger of disappointment and heartbreak destroying his heart, looking into the eyes of any fémina any consolation in a smile, a look, perhaps hoping to rediscover to hidden beloved or just maybe a new chimeric illusion … illusion of a new star.

Well … it was to imagine that the man had his family in a distant country , was a true artist , a sane and honest man , your presentations with the orchestra gave the fame of the band and also the money to survive … but he had left everything , now sleeping on the sidewalks and lived on alms and compassion of others … the sax Man had a romantic heart and wanted to reach a star , but fate led him to become only the shadow of a sad dog in love with the moon.

In recalling this anecdote from my childhood, after many years as a question , I told my wife :

Why a man could have been detached from his family, abandoned to their fate in a distant country and be able to live completely alone renouncing all … why?

She without a second thought, without hesitation, he replied quickly: Maybe a woman.

How many men in history have done wonderful things inspired by women, how many men sir…   But let’s just examine both before and after Samson and Delilah, how many men have succumbed to a woman….. Behold the Universal Achilles Heel male.

A woman … What spell in her eyes, for the men, what mystery in her eyes, what strength and magnetism in her figure … really the nature of feelings humans explodes in magic million colors, beyond the sublime feeling of the love that can only be conjugated between a man and a woman.



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The Forest of Sin



The man held his naked manhood with his hand so that his pet may lick it , his pants were down , his nakedness air … it really was a raw sex scene that impressed me, It was Don Jacinto and his dog at the small clearing in the forest starring a grotesque and disgusting act of bestiality ……..

I get those memories so far, the images are a vision arising me as if I observed through a deep misty curtain…. I remember it was a beautiful real and palpable forest … A forest that is vested with the best colors during rain winter, beginning just after our old house and spread in an area of a few kilometers.

Today … clarifying the mind I see it was not a dream, the forest actually existed … it was a magical place full of trees and colorful vegetation, abounded ceibos, laurels, called Rosewood, muyuyos , plums and a variety other trees  I cannot identify by name as short as it was my age.

After such a long time I reminded of many episodes , like the day that when among those greens to which I like to introduce myself looking observe the large and brilliant butterflies and restless birds , I could not avoid hearing the moans and discover shocked , to that woman  of  the neighborhood , lying tangled on the leaves with the brother of her husband, in a sinful act of incestuous adultery , scared me , I walked away hastily and blushing , ideas gave me back in my head trying to find logical answers to things I was not old enough to understand .

I think and I think it was at the bottom of this natural setting , remember that there was a small clearing by a stream rushing river in winter … there became accustomed to crawl in the mud to sunbathe those gigantic boas maybe three or four meters in length , calls kill horses …. I used to watch them from a fearful mound nearly fifty yards away which ran a road that skirted the forest …

Wow, certainly very  strange and mysterious was this  place … in amongst the trees scurrying squirrels , foxes , sloths , various small rabbits , skunks and the occasional donkey freed … flitted among the branches wide variety of birds, ovenbirds , doves , parakeets , parrots , hummingbirds , owls, woodpeckers, caciques , butterflies and many other birds that I cannot identify by name

Truly never went to the forest to not be looking nature to gloat , but it was known that from an adjoining road a prostitute with clients shift jutted to hide behind the bushes explode in their unbridled sexual arrangements … I realize I was a small and still did not understand the true magnitude of these events , just know that fearful and embarrassed, I discreetly  used escape  when such prohibited pictures peered … it was then remaining in my mind the sinful fragrance of traditional taboos … the burning impact on my mind  of the forbidden vision …the  curiosity and mystery that holds into the mind of a child, conceptualize the naked women figures.

In the center of this forest the stream became deepened, it could in its cobbled banks catch small fish by hand; it was goofy frogs croaking on the moss, not missing iguanas looking water, gray shrimps caught between the slippery rocks covered in green lama.

I do not understand how it is that such an exotic place like this could be unnoticed, There was so much beauty in wildlife to enjoy it, feel it, live it…. I always believed that this forest was just in my imagination , or my brain just did not want to remember it … now many years have passed , I’ve been through there and I’ve only seen the dry bed of colorless and silent stream, surrounded by concrete buildings thundering …. What nostalgia came over me…

Yes sir …  a rare nostalgic shivered me…!

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I would like to

Sometimes I would like to write your name on those stunning mountains of clouds we see when the sun is setting, I think your name would look incredibly attractive and appealing, then would have multicolored hues, and the  bright red, as it let the sun king on his journey inexorably approaching at dusk.

I think I could also write above the vast canvas of a giant sailboat, and it wind driven be unveiled in all oceans and seas of our world.

Very crazy also I would write your name on the mysterious and silvered face of the moon, I would it with large letters, so, from earth everyone could read it.

I reflect and see that I really need magic to do all this, but the magic really comes with the love…. ……………… and my imagination and my heart was filled with magic when meet you…I’ve seen all these fantasies made true sometimes in my clouded reason.

We live in a universe crowded with countless beings, beings known and unknown beings, but all and all forms of life are conjugate within this vast and tiny planet, we do not know more than our eyes can reach and distinguish, but we both, were able to meet us one day and suddenly our eyes converge in an environment of thousands of millions of people, in this world inexplicably bathed in thousands of colors.

Watch!  the sun and the earth continues to rotate, the trivial and careless people are walking on the streets and roads of the world, almost nobody is interested in the huge explosions that occur every moment in the vastness of the stars of our still mysterious universe, and of so many other amazing things and events that we are far even of perceiving.

Is that occur when you love someone, we find our own reason, our own world, we find a sun, our own sun, intangible but exhilarating, found our own universe ……… then it does not matter what happens around you, if the universe revolves or not…. Now we are the most important.

Sing a song at times it seems weird thing………….. putting some lyrics sung melody is so nice thing to heart, the songs are so ornate letters and words to cheer or sadden melodies , were made especially for the heart, to sing to the loved being……….. Then, to sing a song seems beautiful thing, a song can shudder all, a song can make you laugh, can make mourn and remember many things too, but mostly can make you love, love with all the strength that lets the heart.

You know I’ve sung for you, I’ve painted for you ……. yes, I have done so many things for you.

Excuse me, but that in such trivialities and details, just somehow have looked flatter, cheering, to please you …. I do not know, maybe I wanted to release something a little bit that strength, the feeling that my soul has created for you.

That’s love

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Para muchísimas culturas del mundo, Diciembre, el último mes del año, con el viene la Navidad, las lucecitas de colores, los arbolitos con guirnaldas, los pesebres iluminados, los villancicos, y el exquisito y fragante pan de pascua.

Se empieza a sentir  un clima de agitación general, la actividad comercial se nota por doquier, las vidrieras se llenan de adornos, regalos variados y lo mas característico;  los juguetes parecen invadirlo todo y la figura de Papá Noel, también.


Pero hay un aspecto mas relevante en este mes, pues a pesar que la navidad significa y celebra el nacimiento de Jesucristo, no vemos la imagen de Jesús, casi nadie presenta la figura del verdadero significado navideño,  son pocos los motivos que se pueden  observar haciendo alusión a este aspecto fundamental de las más tradicionales fiestas de diciembre.


Llegada la víspera  de navidad, cuando yo era un niño, me gustaba tanto recorrer las calles, mirando los pesebres y los arbolitos con sus danzantes lucecitas de colores;  rojas, verdes, amarillas, azules.

Ilusionado solía inclinarme ante las vitrinas que exhibían lindísimos juguetes y me entusiasmaba contemplándolos, con mi nariz  y manos apegadas al cristal trataba con mis ojos de escudriñar todos los detalles  de los brillantes y mágicos juguetes,  sus colores luminosos y variados me alegraban mucho, era feliz tan solo contemplándolos, pero soñaba con poseerlos todos para compartirlos con cuanto niño necesitado se cruzara en mi camino.


A veces me pregunto  ¿Dios creó este mundo y el universo para nosotros  los humanos……………………?   ¿O fuimos creados para poblar este mundo dentro del Universo….?

Dicho de otra forma; nos crearon para el mundo, o el mundo se creó para nosotros.


Realmente pienso  que somos parte de una sola creación, donde los humanos figuramos como  la parte especial.

 Sólo Dios, pienso, es el único que puede intervenir en nuestra existencia en forma fundamental, estamos aquí, inmersos en este planeta con todas sus cosas y sus singularidades…………….    y es tan poco lo que sabemos,  que solamente nos queda aceptar  las cosas tal como las vemos y sentimos , que parece ser  lo mismo que acatar la voluntad del creador.


Sin embargo la curiosidad del hombre es algo intrínseco de nuestra naturaleza, eso ha hecho que la evolución humana se sitúe donde hoy está, cierto es que las condiciones de ignorancia o progreso intelectual se han venido modificando a través de los siglos, siendo esto algo tan factible de apreciar como cuando en nuestro actual presente, miramos  retrospectivamente y razonamos que las cosas han cambiado en forma tan espectacular  desde la edad de piedra hasta el presente.


 Esto nos habla entonces de un gran cambio, una gran evolución desde el punto de vista circunstancial, porque sencillamente creo que realmente aun no sabemos ni podemos entender la realidad profunda y misteriosa de nuestra existencia.


Lo real,  simplemente parece que son nuestras necesidades conocidas, nuestros anhelos, nuestras cosas mundanas y espirituales, los colores, los sabores, tan sólo   por nombrar algo …………..y en fin todo aquello que somos capaces de percibir y conceptuar con nuestros humanos sentidos.


A veces es bueno meditar sobre lo que nos rodea, a veces pienso que es bueno escudriñar sobre las cosas escondidas, a veces esto nos trae satisfacciones, pero a veces así mismo, esto también nos trae angustia e incertidumbre, al darnos cuenta que somos tan frágiles e indefensos ante lo infinito, misterioso y desconocido de esta creación. 


En algún momento de la vida, a cualquiera nos puede haber invadido miles de preguntas sin respuestas…a veces despejar la incógnita sólo es cuestión  de creencia,  solo es cuestión de propio convencimiento, solo es cuestión de  asumir como verdad las cosas que no podemos sentir ni ver… a veces todo se vuelca hacia una respuesta simplísima … amor y fe..!


Si, apreciados amigos, Navidad también encierra  eso : Amor y Fe..!

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Y así fue

                              Y así fue                                                                

                    Sencillamente, recuerdo que desde el mar llegaba un viento fresco, aquella brisa traía el salobre sabor marino, la mañana estaba brillante, límpida, clara… junto a ese aire marinero una canción, como un tarareo  que venía trayendo el sonido de las olas, llenando el ambiente de algo así como un relajante   fondo musical…

Conocerte fue algo sorpresivo…de repente con el amanecer de un día, apareciste  simplemente   allí  estabas tú,  con tu mirada altiva, bella y serena.

Tu presencia me impresionó, y no sé de donde saqué fuerzas para venciendo el recelo acercarme a ti, no he olvidado también que en mis primeros escritos, sintiéndome impactado dije que tus ojos eran negros y brillantes, me gustó decirlo, me sonaba como  una frase poética y romántica.

Cuando tú no estabas, la mañana se vestía de melancolía y el sol parecía ponerse taciturno, las tardes se volvían llenas de monotonía.

 En mi mente he grabado que  así fue…sabemos que todo camino tiene un principio, iniciamos el nuestro, un sendero trillado de ilusiones, de anhelos y promesas.

El resto ya lo vistes tu misma,  porque desde allí, empezamos a caminar juntos, a despertar juntos, a mirar juntos y a cobijarnos juntos bajo  ese mismo sol maravilloso que nos abriga día a día.

 Entonces fuiste ya mi compañera, mi gran hermosa y dulce compañera, admiré tu valentía y decisión de acompañarme

Como en todo comienzo, igual que en todo inicio, en ese  camino recién empezado, no se vislumbraba fin, simplemente  había que avanzar, no importaba si había rosas o espinas, piedras o algodones, sencillamente  había que seguir.  Esa ruta de nuestras vidas ya estaba trazada, días con lluvia, días con sol, días oscuros, días brillantes, días alegres….En fin los días de nuestra vida designados por Dios.

Cuantos años han pasado señor mío, cuantos años vividos mi Dios santo, Se que tengo y he tenido mis errores, sé que tengo mis defectos, he fallado en muchas cosas, mas  debo reconocer y agradecer tu sabia y amorosa comprensión, has sabido estar a mi lado en todo momento, tu inteligencia  y abnegación de mujer fueron  superior para vencer dificultades y asperezas del camino,  los  tropiezos reflejaron  debilidades propias de mi condición  humana.




Hoy trato de marchar siguiendo la ruta marcada por el creador, pero cuidando de no resbalar y pidiéndole su guía.

Conviene decir que  sobre todas las cosa, siempre  a mi lado tú, tú con tu intuición y perseverancia confiando siempre en mi, haciendo de lo nuestro el mundo para ti, si… tu propio mundo, nuestro mundo, nuestro sol, nuestro universo…





………………..Y así fue,   vuelvo a meditar y me respondo, que verdaderamente eres una gran mujer, perdona mis defectos, perdona por favor mis equivocaciones, hay errores que ya no puedo resarcir, hay cosas que ya no puedo volver a configurar, es como cuando un remolino de  viento arrastra y esparce las hojas de un árbol… que difícil volverlas a juntar.

Me conforta saber  que cuento con tu amor incondicional y tu sublime e inmensa vocación de mujer…

Hoy cuando el tiempo está  tiñendo ya  de plata mis cabellos, miro retrospectivamente  y reflexiono que es así como nació, esta pequeña y a la vez inmensa historia de nosotros dos….así empezó…así surgió, y  gracias, gracias  por ser como eres, gracias por acompañarme, por entenderme y valorarme.

………………………………………………………… Y también gracias a mi Dios,  Pues así fue.


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The Love of Pope Francis

Tuesday March 19, 2013

Saint Peter´s Square

The Love of Pope Francis

My God! ……. Look how much humility, look what devotion, and look simply the love…….. That warm and bright morning, His holiness Francis, before the eyes of the faithful looked like an angel, thousands of hearts vibrated in mystical emotion, the wind seemed to take subtly and quickly, to push their own steps toward that glowing eyes believer, that filled by emotion, faith and hope, receive the Apostolic Blessing.

Yes, at that moment it became sublime, really the luminous figure of the Holy Father, seemed growing larger….. The white of his dress more strongly reflected sunlight………. The world saw her hurried walk and the face of a priest adorned with a sweet smile….. Was approaching to kiss the forehead of that ‘neighbor’ who held in the arms of a relative, looked with eyes  glowed of peace and spirituality, it was perceived as if the sky  become clearer and the ambient was invested with spirituality, love and magic of Divinity.

Any sensible and religious heart can say that at that moment there was a huge correlation, as if was an act of our Lord Jesus Christ giving healing…….

 Consider then, beyond the diversity of religious beliefs, slander or heresies, we know Popes continue the work of Jesus through divine holy gospel, by the commission of heaven’s key to his apostle Peter.

Regarding this fact, in the Saint Peter’s Square, also let’s reflect a moment about certain circumstances on this planet painted with the magic brush of divine and unpredictable colors, this place where everyone is one more, in this growing multitude of souls, that evolve and breathing under same atmosphere

Let´s Meditate about the air we breathe in this very moment, is the same that was in, and came out from the lungs of those around us, no matter whether it is white, black, blond, rich, poor, sick, healthy, may be a pet, dog or cat ….. Ironic because some people by aseptic, feel panic shaking hands of a needy person, a humble person, or worse a sick person.

His Holiness Francis, left the security provided by the  vehicle and simply got down ……………… got out to hug, kiss and bless a needy, the needy circumstantially of that moment, at this man that could not walk …… at this man that could not physically get close….. It seems simply that your mind and heart conjugated an action, an action of divine feeling and magnanimous, which has the amazing power to become the most powerful force in the world: Love

A halo of light, bright clouds and a sense of spiritual magic in the soul of each one of the believers there in the square of St. Peter …….  seemed that this holy place  was invaded by a silence, where just can be listened the beating of hearts full of faith and hope, excited eyes, happy faces and spirits of Christians.

The greatest need of the world is love; this sermon contains everything man needs to live in peace, in harmony, justice……… that our planet will be wonderful when we can all smile happily when we all feel homogenized in harmony, full of kindness, affection of sincerity………. A world where everyone will say: You’re my friend, you’re my brother, I´ll take care of you, I will ask the Lord to keep us always in His infinite light and His divine protection.

Let us join our prayers and implore the supreme creator to Guide His Holiness Francis, so He continues as a spiritual guide, a role model, a father to respect a trustworthy friend, a brother to lean………. A Holy Apostle of the Lord, to intercede with the creator for forgiveness for our mistakes……our blasphemies…….. Our sins


Reborn the Faith!

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Very strange, really strange….. But I think that anyone in the world, at some point in his life, must have occurred, some special experience that escapes the ordinary logic of our reasoning……………

That May morning woke up startled in the darkness of my room … I dreamed that I was in a clearing in a forest, a place full of trees and colorful birds … suddenly appear my child with a large analog clock, telling stunned: See what that appears if you look through the glass of this watch ……………… It looked a coffin, with dried flowers……. I do not know why, or how, but the truth is that I identified as the coffin containing the remains of my Mother died almost twenty years ago.

Sitting down on the bed, so I started searching Intrigued to myself and try to find some light or explanation to this weird dream……… I remembered the last time I had visited the cemetery , over a year ago, and was not possible find the  mom’s grave, because that winter had been so strong and occurred landslides that destroyed and erased many tombs on the slopes of the cemetery ……. more I looked, it was useless and resigned myself to believe that the tomb definitely had been lost due to the effects of these natural events.

So it was for this reason that, having recently celebrated the Mother’s Day, I did not find enough motivation to visit the cemetery …… the tomb was lost, totally lost, so I will  never see it, I thought aloud.

With clear mind and a bit of rude awakening, still could not sleep trying to find a connection between the dream and reality … I could only imagine it was a message…. a unique message from my subconscious ….. Arisen or sent…. a message from a source that even now I cannot explain……

Maybe, in this message the watch represents the time ….and looking through it, appear the neglect and abandonment……. The Oblivion represented in the dried flowers, wilted…. faded…. It seemed a warning ………that brought a faint reminiscence of my mother´s grave actual state.

At that very moment, with some distress in my inner being, I made a promise to go to the cemetery the next weekend that I would be in my city.

That Sunday, I arrived early, just entering the cemetery and I was surprised and impressed greatly…. had not taken many steps, but there…. up there among some branches, visibly flowered, As magical question, I saw the little cross with the name of my Mother …. It was awesome ……. got rushed making my way through the debris and bushes…. indeed there was…. Yes …… there was this small but firm concrete cross, erected on that white stone…. that small but solid tablet that myself……… Myself, I myself holy God, digging the earth with my own hands, had built many years ago……..!

And right there, in that very moment …… with taciturnity and crushing the heart……. I remembered all the weighing of my life with mom, when she was still with me.

And you forgot your childhood when your mother with a kiss heals your wounds…. When you reached your song full of magic and his smile was your divine joy….. When her delicate hands were the most beautiful and strongest in the world … when the brightness of his eyes erased all your fears and his voice…. her inimitable, sweet voice mesmerized you.

Did you forget maybe?  When she was your whole life, your air, your joy, your star…. your world, your sun … your universe ……… or who knows, she was your very God on earth

So on this special day, no matter where you are, go … run and find your mother … embrace her…. kiss her….. Tell her you love her …… give her flowers … kneel before her sacred presence … Ask for his blessing.

Yes…… she is your Mother………….. Your soul…. …… your eternal benefactor, She was the light of your eyes, the blood in your veins…………………………….. And if by divine design she is not longer with you………………………….. Not wait any longer and starts a journey … a nostalgic journey….. Maybe a walk … perhaps a race…… yes….. Impetuous make way … tear shrubs and foliage…. do not care about pathway´s  thorns, put away stones and weeds…. dig, clean up…. paint and decorate with fresh flowers the revered grave ………. and if from your eyes  sprout pearls burning your cheeks  …..Then it is your spirit speaking with soul tears …… …… be happy then, because it is your heart that is expressed in language pure and true … in a silent and mysterious language that will make you feel shivering and recognize:


                IT´S TRUE, I HAD GOD ON EARTH!


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Unbelievable but true, so dear friends, get benefits of diabetes instead of lamenting suffering this terrible situation, comforting to know that in a some way we can find perks on diseases, yes, it’s sounds super ironic, but  we can use it to improve  our health …… .. It’s truly amazing.

First, the issue of diabetes and other diseases, should be handled by true professionals, by humans beings really interested in the health of the affected individuals, it should be taken with honesty, responsibility and especially with love to neighbor.

When doctors diagnose type 2 diabetes, they generally show a very dramatic picture about it to the patients, then start with all sorts of constraints and simply prescribe: “take this pill for the rest of your life.”

The concerned persons Simply just resign themselves, and most accept this as a bitter dream, a painful dream, a nightmare arguably, the nightmare of living with this difficult situation, a situation in which we are all passive observers watching these distressing experiences  in others.

The main task is to keep glucose levels within “normal” for this is necessary to modify the amount of food intake, learning to know how much food we really need for the normal development of our body, here are the first great benefit:

  • Knowledge of our own body,
  • Wisdom to manage our daily lives.

We should gradually reduce the amount of what we eat, to prevent a shock, due the disordered habits, and belief that we can eat everything and in all quantities, this is also knowledge. You start to lose weight, and here comes another array of benefits:

  • Better figure
  • More fit
  • More physical ability to perform activities that previously could not or were difficult,
  • Improvements in triglycerides and cholesterol levels,
  • Body fat loss

With this will bring a better cardio respiratory activity, improved blood circulation and consequently great benefits for your heart, blood pressure, brain, and lung.

Reduce food intake also improves and facilitates the functions of our liver, kidney, stomach….. Friends of mine, let’s look these great benefits, as we avoid overload the tasks of our digestive organs, we will begin to forget gastritis, flatulence, liver diseases, kidney diseases … etc. … etc.

Learning about our own body, acknowledging what we really need, and how much food is correct, it is truly a great knowledge.

It is relevant to know that we can eat almost everything, yes everything, only the amount should be just adequate, is essential also conducting parallel physical activity, this is another huge benefit that strengthens our whole body and further improves our mood. Then, we can swim, walking, running, biking, dancing, weightlifting, etc.

The day we did get more carbohydrate …… just might be compensated with a bit more sport or turn down the intake…… Wow, leave the car, walk to the supermarket, to store, to the hairdressing, at some point you’ve burned enough glucose to self-reward with a cake or ice cream. Come on, you cannot give up being happy because of this, you can again enjoy this life, and this is the time, yes…. right at this very moment you make the decision, wait no more ……. the Life is beautiful … feed of new knowledge, face the adversity, initiates change, and accepts the challenge.

Also consider, that fortunately there are a variety of medications to support diabetes control, it is extremely important not to set aside routine testing to report the status of this process, and based on this, has required changes in diet, activities or medication.

Ironically, diabetes seems to say that something we did were wrong… or maybe it was not right, it seems like a type of control imposed by The Creator, so that we can be better, so that we know ourselves, so we can impose rules for organize ourselves, impose goals, objectives…….. To learn to live in peace, having health and harmony in our body and spirit, within natural environment in which we exist.

Every day the medicine is growing up, keep the hope

Go ahead!

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I’m not bigger than anyone

! Wow! ……. Get off the helicopter to shake hands with a soldier…..!

Something in the air … Yes….. Gentlemen, I feel strongly fleet a question: What was it that motivated the president of the most powerful nation in the world to perform this act?

The sense of humanity, education, protocol, respect, intelligence or who knows what biological mechanism was what drove their steps to leave that huge steel bird, and approaching to that marine to shake his hand, and to put an affectionate slap on his right arm.

I think in the creation of this scene had deeper feelings, there was more than the need to correct an oversight or neglect of an act of formalism, I think that combined heart and mind to make that moment something beyond a simple greeting, make a show of sportsmanship, humility and love.

The brief smile of the marine shows immense surprise, the great impression and a heart beating accelerated, tremendously excited to be the cause of this simple but momentous event, where a globally important character behaves in a simple, simple, humble, but that emit a glow of greatness that drove him, and rose him to locate him in a magnanimous glowing seat of honor.

I would say at that moment, in the inner being of the president, a boil of humanism was saying that we are all brothers….. that soldier is also my friend, that soldier is also alike  to me, that soldier is part of this global conglomerate where all are equal, where all breathe the same air, where all receive  light and live because the same sun ……… Simply that soldier is a man of flesh and blood like me….

 I think the president saying, My God, I am the president but I’m not bigger than anyone.

I don’t think need to wait for history for it write in golden letters the course of this president…….. Its shine and looks….. it note, it feels…….. Barack Obama, the President of the most powerful nation in the world, the representative of the largest democracy in the world…….. Already shines with own light…!


Only love and humility will be able to positively change the world

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The Quinches

A short dramatic story about poverty

Marco Montalvo Vallejo


A few people know and understand extreme poverty, here a real short story that will impact sensible hearts.  


I met Marefra on a foggy day, as he ascended this steep trail full of rocks, snow and chunks of ice that led to that place known as Edward Whimper refuge at 5000 meters above sea level, and only 1310 meters distant to reach the summit of one of the world’s highest volcanoes: Chimborazo, the Colossus of the majestic Andes of Ecuador.


He was sitting on a rock taking a breath, I saw him with tears in his eyes, I thought something was wrong, maybe the altitude and the cold had affected him, I approached asking, if he needed help, I sat next to him and so take advantage to rest.


“Do not think of anything my friend” were his words, I just got so excited to watch this scene and began to recall what my life has changed since I was a child, it happens that from here, this breathtaking view, thrills to anyone


 I do not know, but he kept talking:


 Really, we were very poor, he said, we were very poor indeed, I remember those days when we survived in a small hovel located in a dark corner of the village, right next to the largest dump of the town.

I just had to open the door, take a few steps and we were walking on a sea of ​​filth and garbage.

Every people in this country, had their dump located in the edge of town, in a place  could be the entrance or exit of the city, stray dogs roamed there, buzzards, donkeys, cats, and many humble recyclers.


We were not alone, also had neighbors who shared the same hardships and miseries of life circumstantial. Each with its own story, each with their own reasons to mourn or laugh, each in his own world, locked, cornered, convicted or whatever, but living and feeling their own emotions, their own beliefs, their own bitterness and its fleeting moments of joy.



We were all a very humble neighborhood; we were all mutually identified and joined by our terrible poverty. We used to carry water in containers on our shoulders, obtained from a well, where it´s extracted by ancient hand pumps, that we called ¨piletas¨


The nights were lit with candles or kerosene burners, always we drank water as it came…… sometimes to quench thirst, we sipped directly from rivers, there wasn’t concern about health, because living in that environment  our  body had developed the necessary defenses typical against bacteria of that environment.


My God….. being very poor, of course I knows what is be very poor, the  homelessness and misery,  I have felt in the flesh,  sleep with  cold  outdoor, and have no shelter, lie down without trying a piece of bread, … …. Yes sir, how much it cost to get a piece of bread.

 Being hungry and nothing to quench, is terrible, painful and frightening.

Now, recalling with great sorrow the hours of my childhood, the only appear in my mind, the hungry moments and unsatisfied needs.

I remember when cornered at nights , the hours seemed endless expecting the arrival of Dad, shivering with cold and…. we stomach hurt from hunger and thirst…..God! What indescribable anguish.

There was also another immense pain, the pain of rebellion and helplessness we felt in our soul, because we were still so young, so naive, so helpless, so fragile, so…. Yes, but despite this, I never thought to steal or commit crimes, my holy God

Truly, God of my soul, you know we were very poor, so we slept on the floor, on mats, cardboard, newspapers, cooking on a campfire of any combustible material, pieces of cane, wood branches, wood trunks, paper.  The charcoal was expensive, therefore difficult to obtain.

Our utensils were clay pots, wooden spoons, and certain sort of containers we called “mate ancho” That was our domestic crockery, like gold and silver, but smelled of smoke, mud … …. pain… misery.

Suddenly one morning I woke up by the murmurs and voices of an unusual uproar, in the small courtyard of the neighborhood, on a clay pan placed on a makeshift campfire, a lot of people were frying meat, others roasting on an open fire, Also had those gave away the pieces of crude meat, the fact is that seemed like a party, because everyone wanted a bite to eat and take their portion.


I remember that I had a little more than seven years, watching with the innocence of my own age, I also ate that fried meat, I just remember the smell emanating meat on fire, buzzing flies, the people mumbling things I could not understand, or maybe I cannot remember.


 Me and my brothers, skinny, malnourished, palefaces maybe…. hungry from the sunrise until bedtime, mom sick and admitted to a public hospital, Dad was away from home, we were alone, abandoned and surviving at the expense of what any neighbor pulling their own poverty could kindly share us.. ………………………………………….. ………………

………………………… Then, with the uncertainty in my mind of this unusual fact, I watched at the big dump, only were dogs, cats, vultures….but something was missing, lacking a typical character, then, curious peered over the remaining things on the yard….. And everything became so clear to my head, It was the donkey…………. Yes……….. The little donkey, that used to roam in the trash, had been captured and killed in the early morning hours.

Were the Quinches….. The Quinches; those neighbors with appearance of warlocks, who lived sharing with us the same hovel of mud and straw … Yes … I remember clearly, as clearly as if it were yesterday, the Quinches had killed the donkey, butchered it as a cow, and prepared as if it was a pork, accompanied with pieces of green bananas in a big clay pan.


How much misery, my God!


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